Friday 15 February 2013

A Thousand Paper Cranes

We have to use the small dining room as there is a sink there that we need for tie dyeing. As luck would have it, this turns out to be the most popular activity, and more and more people are coming until there is hardly any room to move.
However everybody is eventually seated and full of enthusiasm.
There are socks and pieces of cotton expertly tied, bundled and painted with various dyes. Soon there are half a dozen hair dryers drying the cloth, we are all sweltering and
I am daydreaming that I am in a strange hairdressers!

Soon we are unravelling beautiful colour pieces. It is amazing how many colours you can get from only three! We are ironing on the floor as there is no room anywhere.
Afterwards we start on the canvas bags. They are more difficult to paint on as the weave is rougher and cotton thicker. We shall continue to stencil next time.


These are only a few examples of what was made in the session.
We look forward to stencilling next week and continuing to work with fabric dyes!

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