Saturday, 8 June 2013

Conversations in Colour - Session 8

The writing group did not take the story of why dogs sniff each others’ bottoms seriously but that was OK; they weren't supposed to.  Further activities were framed around questions posed by the group in our first session and added to today.  Categories explored included seasons and the sky, religion and education.  There were fun questions: ‘How did the giraffe get a long neck?’ and exasperated questions, ‘Why is it that the more you chase after something the more it eludes you?’  ‘Would someone please arrange a summer for us?’  There were even philosophical questions, ‘What if God was one of us?’ and ‘Why do the stars shine?’ 

After we had amassed a big pile of questions, we moved around the table and discussed our favourites, finally settling on one each with which to work.  Then we gathered the ingredients together for a story – the question and answer we would be working towards, the setting, main characters and situation.  I was surprised at how quickly everyone worked, each person having made a start on their story by the end of the session and some even having finished!  With the first group we were treated to some comedy, ‘I would be a stand up comedian if I could stand up’ and an interesting discussion about dyslexia and ways to overcome difficulties associated with it.  In the second we were privileged to end with a reading of Samantha’s pieces – one set in medieval times and the other responding to the two questions, ‘Where have all the doors gone?’ and ‘Where have all the female gods gone?’  There was also a surprise appearance from Karen who came in sporting her gorgeous tie dye top.  It was to dye for!

Upstairs in the studio we were unravelling our tie-dyed pieces.  Some people were delighted by the results and some were dubious.  I explained that the pieces would look different after we had ironed them! And true to my word, by the time I ironed up the last bit, everyone was delighted by the results. What they didn’t know – the dyed cloth was just the background for further decoration either with fabric felt pens or stencilling, adding beads, buttons, sequins or appliqué.

Emma decorated her bag with wonderful words, and we were overwhelmed with the beauty of Karen’s top! It was a brilliant sunny day and the sound of laughter was infectious.

Becky Cherriman and Milena Dragic

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