Saturday 17 November 2012

Re-Cover Project - Week 4

Six men joined us for the fourth session, the halfway mark for the project, and joined us for more casting sculptures. Four returned from the previous weeks and said that they were looking forward to the Friday afternoon workshop, as they had already formed some ideas of what they were going to make.
One man wanted to make several pieces for friends to give as gifts.

Another took a painterly route to create his reliefs, as he showed a talent for drawing.

Having cast his hands and feet, one man took the plunge to have his face done, "to have a complete set," as he joked. It was a brave thing to do, as he was covered in alginate and plaster bandages for a good 20 minutes, breathing through straws.

The resultant negative 'hollow' mould gives the optical illusion of a positive, coming out at you.

When the cast is revealed, the man came face to face with himself! A lot of details are captured, even the stubble. "It made my day." He said. He had been deliberating for two weeks, now he was very glad that he's done it.

Van Nong and Bryony Pritchard.

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