We had a collection of white fabric squares, t-shirts, and bags.
Also the silk scarves from last week.
Same of the fabric was rinsed in warm water to dampen it.
Some was kept dry to see if there would be a difference.
The fabric was then folded, pleated, or scrunched and tied
tightly with string or elastic bands. Some pebbles and other small objects were
wrapped in the fabric, and tied, to give yet another different effect.Three bowls were prepared with warm water and salt solution. The dye was added so that we had each of the primary colours; one bowl of yellow, one of red and one of blue.
The fabric bundles were placed in the bowls, some stretched
over several bowls to get mixed colour, and left to soak.
One t-shirt was dip
dyed in the yellow, and then half of it dipped in the red, before being tied.
Another was dipped in the yellow, and half of it submerged in the blue and left
un-tied. This will be printed on to next week.
The scarf had been silk-painted, and ironed to fix it. It
was then dip dyed, with a lively deep blue result.